Stories Of Inspiration

Our most notable success to date is our journey with Red Hot Momma, an American Saddlebred breed who won six World Championship titles in the Working Western Pleasure division.
She is our inspiration for Pine Hill Ranch and continues to display a leadership role in its development. “Girlfriend” as we affectionately call her, is a beautiful Bay, with a long black mane and tail.
While she loves people, and is wonderfully personable, she is also a star. When the show lights turn on, you’ll watch her transform into a professional performer who prances with a sophisticated elegance. We are also fortunate to have her colt, Red Hot Pistol, on our team. He is a winner in the World Champion Reserve in the Hunter division.
We’re excited to have more success stories as our story unfolds.
“Her neck is too short and her ears are too long”, Bob Mullenax was told when he was shopping for his first American Saddlebred show horse. Yet Bob saw her potential. The mare’s registered name, Red Hot Momma, the year, 2004.
So Mullenax purchased the young mare and began groundwork right away. Red Hot Mamma became affectionately known as “Girlfriend”. Girlfriend began her formal training as a three year old and won her first championship title in 2006 as a four year old in the Working Western Pleasure division. Equestrian Carrie Kessler began showing the mare and over the next seven years would win 6 World Championship titles. The team have also earned the mare’s Champion designation. This achievement actually changes her name to CH Red Hot Momma, a coveted designation in the industry. No other horse has earned as many points in her division, or won as many titles as Carrie Kessler and CH Red Hot Momma.
Carrie and Girlfriend helped set the standard for Working Western Pleasure horses. This class requires the highest level of training for western Saddlebred horses. Horses are judged on quality of movement and manners on the rail at a walk, jog and lope, then must negotiate a course of complex maneuvers and obstacles designed to test the horses’ athletic ability and handling as well as the riders’ skill.
“I have never shown such a talented horse, or one that is so willing to perform the course of obstacles”, says Carrie Kessler. Kessler has been showing Girlfriend since her 2006 Championship win. Kessler grew up showing Quarter Horses and is also and international horseshow judge.
“The decision to retire Girlfriend has not been an easy one”, according to her owner Bob Mullenax. “She has exceeded our wildest expectations from her first year to show in St Louis. I told her trainer and Carrie that I would be happy if we just got in the top 10 that first year. As the announcer called out the placings from 10th to 1st place, the excitement grew. When he announced my horse as the winner I could hardly contain myself and ran out to center ring to get in the picture. I didn’t care that I was in my dirty clothes from hours of grooming my horse. Chris Thompson of Saddle and Bridle asked me if I knew what we had just accomplished and I was so green I didn’t even know who he was. Winning that Championship and every one since then have been the most exciting moments in my life” says Mullenax. “It is time now to give girlfriend the retirement she deserves. While it is tempting to continue to show her, it is also rewarding to allow this special horse to end her showing career as a champion”.
If you ask what his retirement plans are for Girlfriend, you will see a sparkle in Bob Mullenax’s eyes as he tells you about the pasture he is building for her on the rolling hills of his 250 acre estate in Little Rock known as the Pine Hill Ranch. “Girlfriend will have a special place at the Pine Hill Ranch and will someday participate in riding lessons and weddings that will take place at the ranch”, says Mullenax. “Owning and showing this amazing horse have been more rewarding than I ever could have imagined”, says Bob Mullenax. And to think, it all began with a little bay mare whose neck was too short and ears were too long.